Student's Zone

The Voice of the Toppers:

Bipin Joshi
Entrance Topper-2076 B.Sc.Ag.| Agriculture & Forestry University (AFU) | Radiant Secondary School, Mahendranagar, KanchanpurBipin Joshi
Agriculture & Forestry University (AFU) Radiant Secondary School, Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur I grew up among farms in suburbs of Kanchanpur determined to be an Agriculturist. Rampur Campus was my ultimate target. While every other friends headed towards institutes with most lucrative offers, I took a different decision. I tested major institutes of Chitwan for a week and then got enrolled in CARE, impressed by its outstanding faculty. This must be the most satisfying decision of my life. The intense discussion in class, exciting mnemonics and problem solving strategies made learning enjoyable like never before. CARE not only provided the best academic environment but also helped me to maintain the right mindset to approach competitive exam. Though my aim was to be an Agriculturist, I was suggested to appear BSc Forestry exam to know where do I stand among Applied Science aspirants. I got my name in the merit list, yet CARE wanted to extract the best out of me. I was individually guided and sharpened even more. Finally, I could see my name at the top of B.Sc. Agriculture entrance exam merit list. Undoubtedly, CARE is the success mantra for me.
Apar Adhikari
B. Tech. (Food) TU | Entrance Topper-2076 B.Sc. Ag. (NPI/PU) | Entrance Topper-2076 Gaindakot Namuna S.S., NawalparasiApar Adhikari
I am immensely proud to call myself as a member of CARE, the best institute for applied sciences. CARE is not only an educational institute but also a family to provide perfect guidance for the tough competition of entrance after +2. The excellent success rate describes the caliber of CARE. I found motivating teachers and seniors who taught me that MCQs are dealt not only with knowledge but also with patience and self-confidence. Sufficient model tests and QAD classes for each test helped to point out my weakness. Analysing every student's progress and working in their weakness is the most important aspect of CARE. Every day began with stories of motivation and inspiration which filled us with ambition as well as energy to crack huge pile of MCQs. No thoughts of giving up could last up in the mind infront of such interesting classes. I suggest my beloved juniors not to be in dilemma to select the best institute. If you aspire to achieve your career in Applied Sciences, CARE is by far the best option
Anish Poudel
B.Sc. Ag (AFU) | Entrance 3rd Topper B.Sc. Forestry (AFU) | Entrance 2nd Topper Amar Singh S.S., PokharaAnish Poudel
There is no need to be in dilemma about which institute to be chosen for the entrance preparation of applied science. I recommend to choose CARE because I did. So, I was able to see myself in merit list of every entrance exams I gave in various fields. CARE provides the quality education which experienced faculty and enthusiastic environment. CARE as name derives provides full academic and personal care along with full fledged motivation. Here, students just have to show full dedication and continue to work on their aim and leave all other things on CARE. Trust me, I know CARE doesn't know how to fail.
Madan Bhandari
B.V.Sc. & A.H. (TU) | Entrance 2nd Topper | Tilottama S.S., ButwalMadan Bhandari
The entrance exams are what determine our destination. The 6 month program preparing for the exams will define what our career would be. This is the moment when your whole struggle will bring substantial change in the course of your future. But, only struggle and dedication is not enough . I have seen viable seeds that couldn't germinate due to unfavourable environment. Therefore, the growing environment i.e., the dedication of teachers is also equally important. I was highly impressed by the Presentation of CARE. Right from the orientation CARE cleared our doubts and showed the best pathway for us. The dilligence and devotion of CARE's teacher is beyond expectation. Their urge to help students and their superior teaching approach induces a sense of accountability even to students. They are more than a teacher, like a guardian. When things didn't go right, when we couldn't improve our scores, when we thought that it was the breaking stress, when we had depressing thoughts, CARE motivated us and made us even more efficient. I cannot tell about other institutes but the care I got from CARE is more than I imagined. CARE has always justified it's name: CARE ! ------NEVER DOUBTS CARE's care------

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